Koonden ji Niyaz
IKoonden ji Niyaz, another prevalent Shia custom like Panja. It involved preparing food, usually pooris and phirni, serving and disposing waste under cover. Cutchi Memon tradition was to make Gujjiya (Sweet Poori) with coconut, semolina fried in ghee and gud or sugar fillings and supplemented with various fruits, peeled and chopped. Vows were made either to organize or participate and pay for the Niyaz. Food was presented in new mud vessels known as koondah; hence the appellation Koonden ji Niyaz. The participants ate in a well covered room from sunset to next sunrise, when the leftovers were well packed and destroyed. The custom had no religious significance and was attributed to Imam Ja'ffer as Sadiq’s promise to a wood cutter woman. The legend says that the Imam came to her in a dream and asked the woman to prepare certain food under cover, feed the poor with it, and to pray to Allah to grant her whatever she needed. If there was no immediate solution received, she was to approach the Imam to mediate and resolve her problem. The poor lady complied with the instructions and soon got riches. The ritual appears to have started only around 1906, in the Rampur regime. Now Rampur is a district in Uttar Pradesh. Cutchi Memons used to organize and participate in the Niyaz, with fervence and zeal until the end of the last century.